
Metalworking Sink or SwimMade in United States

Metalworking Sink or Swim
  • Metalworking Sink or Swim: Tips and Tricks for Machinists, Welders, and Fabricators
  • By Tom Lipton
  • 305 pages, paperback, 8½" x 11"
  • ISBN 9780831133627
  • Publication date 2009
Part Number: 3565
Weight: 2.18 lb

Price: $64.95

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This collection of priceless tips, tricks, skills, and experiences from a veteran of the trade is presented in a way that captures the attention of users and engages them in the process of furthering the art. It includes shop-tested descriptions and illustrations of creative and unique skills and observations from almost 40 years in the metalworking trades. What's more, it offers enough material from several metalworking trades to start a great research and development shop. It is sure to be a valuable and time-saving resource for anyone involved in the fabrication of metal.

Includes nearly 1,000 full-color photos, as well as numerous illustrative stories that help users easily understand the material presented and the techniques provided.

Chris Chris' Tips
We offer a lot of books that all contain useful information. But this is the first one that I have read cover to cover. Tom's style is very readable. He mixes useful tips with interesting anecdotes. Interesting and informative.

Chapter 1 Diving In Welcome to Sink or Swim; Personal Learning Attitude; Shop Environment; Thursday Nights; What's A Journeyman Anyway?; Format

Chapter 2 Brain Food Communication; Drawing and Sketching; Minimizing Screw Ups; Accuracy; Speed; Shop Math; Mass, Volume, and Area; Angles and Shop Trigonometry; The Metric System; Computers and the Metalworker; Dumb and Dumber; Want to Make a Million Dollars? Some Things That Really Need to be Invented

Chapter 3 Bean Counter Lounge

Chapter 4 Get the Shop Set Up Floors; Light; Food Preparation Area; Food Consumption Area; Heating and Cooling; Workbenches and Tables; Air Supply in the Metalworking Shop; Raw Material Storage and Handling; Material Identification and Characteristics; Safety Equipment; Tool Crib; Bench Work; Filing; Saws and Sawing; Rigging and Lifting

Chapter 5 Manual Lathe Threading in the Manual Lathe; Multiple Start Threads

Chapter 6 Manual Milling Machine Bridgeport Mills; Suggested Improvements; Spherical Surface Generation in the Manual Milling Machine

Chapter 7 CNC Mill Working with CNC Equipment; CNC Mill

Chapter 8 CNC Lathe CNC Lathe Programming

Chapter 9 The Welding Shop Getting Started; Layout Work; Some of My Favorite Hand Tools; Welding Table; Brake Bumping

Chapter 10 The Lost Art of Flame Straightening Limitations; How Flame Straightening Works; Heat Input; Mappy; Applying the Correction; Straightening Shafts and Tubes; Special Applications of Heat Shrinking; Correcting Weldments

Chapter 11 Sheet Metal Shop Layout Work, Blank Length Calculations; Patterns; The "Yank Method"; Box and Pan Brakes; Forming and Layout of Cones; Tanks and Baffles

Chapter 12 The Abrasion Department Sanding, Grinding, and Abrading; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; Radius Grinding

Chapter 13 The Junk Drawer Miscellaneous Tricks Without a Home; Ideas for the Shop Floor

Closing Thoughts

Recommended Reading List
